
Bondada Wings - Volume 1

Release Date: April 2022

The company is delighted to announce the launch of the First Edition of Bondada Wings firms magazine, launched on 7th of April 2022. Our magazine focuses on informing employees and stakeholders about the company’s activities.

Bondada Wings - Volume 2

Release Date: October 2022

We are pleased to announce that we are pub- lishing our exclusive Bondada Wings magazine for the second edition, and we are sure that we will keep launching new editions in the future as well. The prime objective of our magazine is to inform readers about recent events and updates at our organisation. This magazine is primarily distributed among the employees, stakeholders, associates, and customers.

Bondada Wings - Volume 3

Release Date: May 2023

We were not surprised to find that the readers of the first two issues of our magazine provided an overwhelming response; as a result, we have decided to maintain our publication schedule of one issue every six months. As was mentioned earlier, the objective of this publication is to educate readers about the activities of the company, particularly with regard to the roles played by employees and other stakeholders.

Bondada Wings - Volume 4

Release Date: NOV 2023

Following the overwhelming success of our first three Bondada Wings magazine editions, the company recognised the importance of continuing to publish its own magazine, and as a result, the fourth edition of the ‘Bondada Wings’ magazine was released and made available to its readers.

National Business Award

Date: Feb 2023

The entire BEPL family can take pride in yet another crowning achievement. The Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Shri Biswabhusan Harichandan, has presented us with the prestigious National Business Award for Best Company of the Year for 2022.

Gold medals were awarded.

Date: Oct 2022

A moment of great honour. This is a historic moment! We were awarded a Gold medal by the Governor of AP State

We are awarded for our Performance and credit Rating with MSE-1 for consecutive 3rd year by CRISIL.


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Alexander Swift

Economist / Entrepreneur / Seven Corporate founder